Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 Missouri Annual Conference emphasis on Young People: Will it Make a Difference?

  I encourage you to read Nathan Hunton's comments on The Missouri Annual Conference on Harmony UMC's website,  I've never had a lay representative so thoroughly committed to detailed reporting. Maybe Nathan is putting the effort in this year because he feels this conference might actually make a difference.  We made a genuine attempt to engage youth and young adult leadership, and address topics and issues to help us older folks understand and respond.  If we don't turn around the massive loss of younger generations in our churches we simply will not have churches. I've said for years they are leaving for all the 'right' reasons. It's not that young people do not want to be engaged in meaningful dialogue and action. Witness 55,000 people running and walking in The Komen Race for Cure last weekend.  It's not even that they are less 'faithful.' Most say they are 'spiritual' if not religious. They just don't trust institutions, and don't see themselves in leadership when they attend a church.  Yes, those of us older folks in the church are typically more than willing to turn over leadership.  But why would younger people want that? 

We're considering trying something new at Harmony.  We will vote July 9 on a plan to hire a new associate pastor to effectively build a new worshiping community of young adults.  I don't know if Harmony will vote to do it.  Many would rather have an elevator so aging folks can more easily move about the building.  We'll see.

Thanks Nathan, for your leadership.  Thanks Katy Hunton, for going to Conference with your husband, representing us.    

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